
Lois Lane looking for her Clark Kent

Alter 54 Von Dayton, Ohio Online Über 2 Wochen her

Frau Suche eine/n Frau

Basis Information Erzähl uns ein wenig von dir.
  • Ich kann sprechen Englisch
  • Ich würde mich selbst beschreiben als So, what is with the headline? Read on: First the list: I am a: 5'1" shy, cute, trusting, trustworthy, dedicated, honorable, compassionate, idealistic, friendly MD with high ethics, and sense of child-like wonderment. I have never smoked, used drugs, drank, or had STDs. I have had little experience re: intimacy/dating etc. I believe strongly in marriage vows.
    For fun: I love cats! Sorry, but no dogs-allergies. I enjoy ice skating, horseback riding, and hiking. There is nothing better than going to the theatre-a musical, ballet, play, opera, dancing... I find travelling to other countries, states to be wonderful-seeing different cultures, museums, archaeological sites, shrines, breathtaking natural phenomena, etc. I constantly read- all types of books. I listen to most types of music. I enjoy movies as well. My sense of humour is very dark, sarcastic, and quite noteably British. My mother is British; thus, I have many British quirks, as is evident in my personality, sometimes even in my speech-creepy.
    I am very petite and used to a height difference with most of the adult population- a constant source for jokes in my family. I am a bit nerdy -e.g. I love science, ancient history, and literature, which I read for my own pleasure thus nerdy.
    What am I looking for? the list: A kind, thoughtful, trustworthy, honorable, nerdy-absolutely!- nice guy - in other words, my own Clark Kent, not Superman, the eternal boyscout. He is a loving, protective - not obsessive - gentleman. He is gentle, compassionate, and supportive, a friend as well as husband. In our marriage, we are partners. He is caring and dutiful, a man who believes strongly in monogamy and marriage. He has no history of drugs, alcohol, or STDs and is a non-smoker.
    Fun stuff: He must be able to tolerate cats-I have to have at least one-and have an education at least up to a MA level. Hopefully, he enjoys reading and going to one of the arts, the museums etc. Appearance is not important to me, personality/compatability is. It may seem as if I am expecting the moon; I do not believe so. There are nice guys out there, usually nerds. Our domain is the computer/internet - although I am terribly behind and thus with the technology now-sigh. I like nice guys and am looking for one in particular, the final, eternal one who will cause a-flutter in my heart. So, my headline is accurate, and speaks true-I am Lois Lane looking for my Clark Kent. Where oh where art thou?
  • Anmelden Fische
Erscheinung & Situation Wie sieht deine aktuelle Situation aus? Beschreibe deine Erscheinung.
  • Mein Körpertyp ist Dünn
  • Meine Größe ist 5' 1 (1.55 m)
  • Meine Augen sind Braun
  • Meine Herkunft ist Kaukasisch
  • Mein Familienstand ist Nie Verheiratet
  • Ich habe Kinder Nein
  • Ich möchte Kinder Nicht sicher
  • Meine beste Eigenschaft ist Augen
  • Körperkunst Würde nicht einmal daran denken
  • Mein Haar ist Dunkelbraun
  • Ich habe ein oder mehrere folgende Haustiere Keine Haustiere
  • Bereit umzuziehen Ja
Status Was machst du?
  • Mein Ausbildungsgrad ist Universitäts-Abschluss
  • Mein derzeitiges Dienstverhältnis ist Arbeite zu Hause
  • Meine Spezialität ist Medizin / Gesundheit
  • Ich verdiene im Jahr so viel Unter $100,000USD/Jahr
  • Zuhause Es wird manchmal etwas verrückt
  • Ich bin Raucher Nein
  • Ich trinke Nein
Persönlichkeit Wie gibst du dich? Was ist dein Geschmack?
  • In der Hauptschule war ich Streber
  • Mein soziales Verhalten ist Reserviert, Schüchtern, Freundlich
  • Meine Interessen und Hobbys sind Lesen, Lernen, Musik, Filme, Theater, Reisen
  • Meine Vorstellung einer tollen Zeit ist Versuche neue Dinge, Filme, Entspannen, Ein Buch lesen, In ein Museum gehen
  • Ein ideales erstes Date wäre We would meet in the evening for a formal affair. He would pick me up in a tuxedo. First he would take me to a lounge for a pre-theater snack. We enjoy the atmosphere and small conversation for about an hour before we leave for the show. The performance is 2-3 hours after which we go for a late dinner. As we have just attended a performance we have a good place to start for conversation. After about 1-2 hours, you take me home, walking me to my door. Knowing that I believe in taking things slow, you kiss my hand adieu.
  • Ich wollte immer schon versuchen Oh my, there are so many things... cave splunking, black river rafting, sand surfing?. sailing-but this is only a very recent desire as I used to get motion sickness on the water. travel to Kyoto, Japan. I want to go to China, Thailand, Russia, Korea, and India but due to safety (in regards to food hygiene etc) that is unlikely to occur. I have always dreamed about being involved in an archaeological dig in Egypt; yet, I speak no Arabic, which would be a slight hindrance... What of helping the endangered species of the planet by helping out an one of the many sanctuaries where they are short on help? (another of those wishes I have had since I was young...) And my precious cats, what about building, staffing, maintaining a large no kill shelter (500+) for cats that does not require them to be in cages, but rather allows them to roam freely in several rooms or in an enclosed outside area where they can safely and happily live out the rest of their lives, if they are not adopted. (This w
  • Meine Freunde beschreiben mich als Freundlich
Ansichten Ansichten übers Leben.
  • Meine Religion ist Spirituell aber nicht religiös
  • Ich besuche Gottesdienste Einmal
  • Mein Ziel im Leben ist If you ask my what I wish to accomplish with my life at any particular moment, you will get any of 4 possible answers: 1- to help as many cats (feral or domesticated) as I can, whether it be through adoption, fostering, feeding or trapping/neutering/spaying/adopting, euthenizing, or rescuing them from abusive situations 2- ensuring my sister and mother have all they need for the rest of their lives 3- helping as many children/people as I can through my work/writing/education/etc. 4- to be content with what I have and what I do not 5- to strive to be the best that I can be (in the army- I could not resist putting that there... I am joking of course)
  • Mein Art Humor ist Clever, Trocken / Sarkastisch, Freundlich
Geschmack Was magst du?
  • Im Fernsehen sehe ich mir Folgendes gerne an Cartoons, Dokumentationen, Dramen, Situations-Komödien, Filme, Wiederholungen
  • Wenn ich ins Kino gehe, sehe ich immer Action, Science Fiction, Comedy, Romanze, Drama, Dokumentation, Familie, Animation
  • Wenn ich mir Musik anhöre, höre ich immer Country/Volksmusik/Schlager, Rock, Pop, Klassik, Lating, New Age, Dance, Soul, Reggae, Gospel, Folk
  • Wenn ich lese, lese ich immer Historisch, Anthologie, Geschäft, Klassik, Comic, Fantasy, Fiction, Gesundheit, Geschichte, Humor, Mathematik, Musik, Mystery, Natur, Philosophie, Bezug, Satire, Wissenschaft, Science Fiction
  • Meine Vorstellung von Spaß ist 1-watching cats play
    2- reading a book, becoming so engrossed with it that I cannot stop reading the series until I have completed them
    3- going to the theater
    4- travelling to museums, archaeological, places of interest, national parks, hitherto places unknown
Suche nach Wonach suchst du, wenn du an deinen Seelenverwandten denkst?
  • Was findest du attraktiv? Intelligenz, Gutes Aussehen, Humor, Tolle Fähigkeiten, Einfühlungsvermögen, Sensibilität, Kraft, Esprit, Nachdenklich
  • Wonach suchst du? The mind is the most important organ of the body. Without developing one's mind, nothing else is of import; thus, the quality I find most attractive is one's intelligence. Ahhh, but I am more discerning than you might think. I find the best are well read, not just experts in their field, but also avid readers in many unrelated fields. Thus our conversations will vary from the newest developments in genetics to our opinions on the latest policies regarding endangered species to the latest translation of Cicero's letters by Penguin Classics. Being of high education, I would prefer someone with at least a MA degree.
    Naturally it would only be sensible for our personalities to be compatible. Although I am not one who jokes around a lot, I appreciate a good sense of humour, especially more in the lines of the British sensibilities. Appearances are not very important; however, good looks never hurt. That being said, I prefer a man to be slightly taller than me, not difficult, and stronge
  • Nach welcher Art Beziehung suchst du? Freund, Date, Verpflichtendes

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